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Holly - EYFS

Welcome to Holly class! 

This page shares lots of different information to do with our EYFS classroom and learning.   

Our topic this Spring term is 'On the Farm'.  Please see the knowledge planner here.  

We have begun gymnastics this term, here are some of our pictures:

Our Spring Learning journey, Fun on the Farm

Suggested Reading Booklist

Spring Term Knowledge Planner. Fun on the Farm.

Our completed 'Super Me' Learning Journey!

Topic Overview

PE days in Holly Class are Mondays and Thursdays, please ensure you come to school wearing your winter or summer PE kit, depending on the weather.

This is our reading area where the children develop a 'love for reading'.

Holly class are enjoying their role play area which relates to their home life.

Holly class's first school dinner...we thought it was delicious!!

Click on the image below to be taken to our homework site, db primary.