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The staff and governors of the school believe that good attendance at school is vital if children are to benefit from the high quality education that the school provides.

The school is committed to doing all it can to ensure that all pupils attend regularly and on time.

Each year the Governing Body set a whole school attendance target.

Children may arrive at school up to ten minutes before 9 o’clock and settle themselves in to their classroom.  The bell is rung at 9 o’clock and that is when the register should be called.  Each register has a list of attendance/absence codes to be used.  Any child arriving after 9.15am should be marked late after registration.  Teachers must return the register to the school office as soon as possible since this is a legal document and is also a check in the event of evacuation of the building. 

The following strategies are employed to encourage good attendance by all:

  • Parents are requested to telephone the school on the first day of absence stating reason
  • First day contact is initiated by the office
  • Certificates are awarded to those children achieving a full term without absence, and a prize is awarded to those achieving a high attendance over the whole school year
  • Children are regularly reminded in assemblies our target for attendance target
  • The school uses the SIMS Attendance module so that we can analyse attendance patterns throughout the year
  • The Headteacher reports to the governors during the course of the year on how well we are doing towards achieving our target

The office will enter a code in the register, the pink/green/ yellow slips which are put in the register by the office staff are acceptable.  It is only where office staff have been unable to contact parents and no note is received after several attempts by the school to obtain this, that the code O should be used and this will be entered when transferring data from registers on to the computer.  It is therefore very important that the parent/carer informs the office of the reason for absence so the correct code is entered in the register, by the class teacher or the office, immediately.

For more information please read the attendance policy under Information/Policies.