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Safeguarding Statement

The Governing Body is committed to:

  • safeguarding and promoting the welfare and safety, and the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, of children and young people;
  • promoting equality of opportunity and community cohesion where the diversity of different backgrounds and circumstances is appreciated and positively valued;
  • the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance for those with different faiths and beliefs.

and expects all staff, volunteers and other workers to share this commitment.

In order to do this a wide range of measure are put in place through the implementation of safeguarding policies including the school's Child Protection Policy which is in line with Essex County Council's Child Protection and Safeguarding Procedures.

The Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mrs C Branton.

The Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads are  Mrs Youngblood and Mrs Dockerill


We recognise that the majority of children will not be physically attending school and that it is likely they will be spending longer periods of time online, which may increase their vulnerability.  Therefore We have provided parents with information on how to keep their children safe online and resources to support them to do this. Particularly useful websites are:

(Click on the links below)


More Safeguarding Information For Parents

  • 'I Didn't Know CampaignThe Campaign has been set up collaboratively between Southend, Essex and Thurrock Local Safeguarding Children Boards and Essex Police. Inspired by a video project designed and created by the Essex Children in Care Council, it aims to raise awareness about Child Sexual Exploitation across the wider Essex area and support communities understanding of what CSE is, how to recognise it, and what to do to get help and support. Tackling child sexual exploitation requires a commitment by everyone. Please help us support this campaign. Resources are on this page for you to download and use freely.